Hey cool idea on the shinies and leather, but I think ratarchers only drop 20 arrows a pop, just as easy to chop wood and harvest feathers imo.
I was just thinking that since we will be needing need alot of arrows we may want to hit up Ice Dungeon at some point. I know a little "secret" room just off the entrance that has Ratman Archers but theres also Ratman Mages and the room is loaded with both making it tricky to wipe em out. Azruk is able to cast Blade Spirits to softem them up and if we had another mage or 2 we could clean them up pretty fast. It will also let us get Hides, coin, and possibly half decent weapons and armor. I tried to go there myself with Azruk but got killed on the way in by Rat mages. Just someplace to possibly raid sometime.