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Thread: YEW Shrine Raid Story Review and Comments/Advice.

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  1. #2


    Waiting patiently kult could hear two distinct conversations going on in relatively hushed tones. One from within the other side of the fort front walls and the other just near the tree line from the other human attackers. While not being able to get the entirety of either conversation he was able to grasp the plan of both sides for the most part, it seemed YEW used similar tactics as Bloodclan when it came to defending their front entrance which gave kult an advantage, no one knew front curtain krimping better than him. He also knew the next push was about to come and prepared himself. He laid patiently directly next to the entrance, in a rather large and growing pile of human corpses, human face on, blood filling every crevice between both his face and his false face.

    As the battle ensued for the front kult wiggled his way underneath the puny human feet. Getting trampled in the process. Mimicking a sight he sees every day (that of a dead human) he slowly crept his body inside the front gate up against the walls. Wiggling his way past the action as it was going down. While doing so he snatched a green kilt and cloak from a corpse in the back as well as a nose helm and rolled his body out the back of the trap, while fastening the newly found equipment. He quickly moved past the attention of those inside the initial defense and groaned in minor pain as he found a hiding place within the heart of the Yew Shrine Tree.

    Here he spent a few moments repairing his wounds, readying his refreshment potions, applying bandages, fixing his fake face, which very clearly would never fool anyone. Checking anything he had metal and stowing it away for silence. From the hollow of the tree he began surveying the inside of the fort encampment.

    Knowing time was limited and the aspect of surprise would soon be lost he focused his attention on the western gate while taking mental note of the two large buildings to the north side of the encampment. There seemed to be a large assortment of boxes around the ramparts of the western gate which seemed suspicious to kult and he slowly and methodically began making his way closer to the gate to get a better picture of the situation at hand.

    As he crept closer he realized there was just a single militia man arranging and guarding a makeshift blockade around what looked to be a metallic switch. Presumably one that controls the gate if it is so important to block off. This is the only flaw he has yet to see in YEW's defenses and he then and there decided to take full advantage of it.

    Quietly sneaking in between the curtains on the inside of the fort, essentially trapping himself if anyone were to find him, he gathered himself and surveyed the lands beyond the gate. There he patiently awaited an opportunity to communicate with his brethren.

    The battlefield was littered with horses and bodies, weapons armor, blood and body parts. A volley of fighting back and forth from the orcs back at the makeshift mobile fort and the humans raged along the western side of YEWs shrine, just outside the walls. He thought if he could only get one of his companions attention he could set up a flank surprise attack. So as he waited he drew a few words in the dirt outside the gate in orcish.

    "LYN EM AWL UB OWTSYD NUW! NUW!" skribbled in his best writing.

    Just as Gurz ran by kult threw a handful of gold through the gate portcullis, knowing how best to get the attention of his fellow orcs. SHINIEZ. Of course Gurz immediately took note and game over, noticing the writing on the ground beneath the gold then heard the faint sound of orcish.

    "Meeb fownd id, lyn em ub, NUW"

    Gurz needed nothing more and immediately took off back to Bloodclan's stronghold. kult knew this very well might be the hardest part if the timing wasn't right. He needed to get over there now before the orcs suspiciously began lining up outside the western gate. He knew there was a very small window here from which to successfully attack and not get detected behind enemy lines and tortured by the humans with some obscene acts like washing babies or something equally as horrible.

    The shortest distance from which to reach the gate switch was actually right below it. To get up the ramparts kult noticed he would have to move a ton of the blockade the militia put up but if he moved a box or two from under it and climbed up the side flipping the switch he could jump down and immediately join the battle. So he stealthily waited right by the inside of the gate, waiting for the telltale signs his brethren have come. Within the span of a few minutes he could hear rustling from both sides of him. The orcs gathered outside the western wall, and some YEW began to catch on that something was up. kult closed his eyes and took a deep breath, waiting for the right moment. He heard from afar calls for support and decided now was as good a time as any and crept to the debris blocking his way up to the switch. He quickly tossed them to the side, flipped the switch twice to signal he was ready then a third time to leave it open. He jumped down, threw debris back in the way ensuring the gate couldn't be easily closed and he watched his brothers and sister flood in on the sacred yew tree.
    Last edited by Kult'Dush; 06-23-2023 at 12:14 AM.

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