Lol HOOOWAH! we have been getting alot of complaints about us throwing purple pots. its never been against our rules I think we have all just gotten better at it. Gor'lag gave me some tips that has made a big impact in my kills with them.

First set a last target key. then a use purple potion key. during your fight click your use pot Button and when it hits 2 use the last target button. these will throw your pots almost perfectly timed for explosions. marke sure that yuor last target is SET to the hummie your attacking as well. I also have a separate "set as last target" button which helps alot.
Also if your in a group of orcs and you see them throwing pots take a step to the side when they throw then get back on the hummie when its gone off. this will stop you from taking damage and the other orc from targeting you.