Ug! Tudai Aya fownd ash oomie ad da Furt...
Aya klomped sinz oomie hab mojo fuud en da Furt...
Aya klomped oomie guud...
Den Aya klomp oomie's bahg mownt and em mojo fuud...
Ug! Tudai Aya fownd ash oomie ad da Furt...
Aya klomped sinz oomie hab mojo fuud en da Furt...
Aya klomped oomie guud...
Den Aya klomp oomie's bahg mownt and em mojo fuud...
Den ash muur oomie shewwed tu git klomped, bud em hab bubhosh mojo womp an klomp Aya...
Aya peep Xurugg ad Briddun an dis oomie gib tribuut bud wan tu blah...
Aya an Xurugg hidee, an Aya pud bayt owt...
Xurugg an Aya fin bern'd oomie tu klomp...em fas riyden em lyke mojo wadurs...Da uruks klomp guud bud da bern'd oomie wun da fyht wen Aya an Xurugg drank't awl der wadurs...
OOC: Had a good fight with the red (Symptom)at the moongate...He was chucking a ton of purple pots and casting alot Xurugg did his best to keep it all together but the red was just jumping around like crazy with us chasing he finally got Xurugg and then I fought him until I ran out of is really funny how people think they are great fighters when they are mounted and running around an unmounted opponent...ImpulseX brought in his alt...he said he was AFK he was pretty PO'd because his mare wasnt bonded yet...guess he shouldnt of brought it to the Fort....