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Thread: Orcs - RP'ers or Griefers in Costume?

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  1. #1

    Orcs - RP'ers or Griefers in Costume?

    I am Sinkin from the Yew Militia. I come with a slight problem with your clan. We were at the Brit moongate today, trying to RP with a couple orcs and what looked to be an Undead (no tags). There were several griefers around so we wanted to team up with the orcs or go to Yew and RP/fight. We tried to get into the building and let them know our intentions, but were attacked on sight. We regrouped to try again, but at this point there were many more griefers around. We were getting ready to leave, but a couple people died so we went to collect the dead. At this point one of orcs pulled our tamers nightmare into the hut and trapped it upstairs, banning the tamer. I tried to reason with the two remaining orcs, as well as give a small amount of tribute, but two orcs demanded 5000 gold to release the nightmare.

    All the while, they spoke in "orc" but just basically talked trash the whole time. These are pretty much the same tactics that every red on this server uses. We are an RP community and should stick together as one. If you don't want to do anything about this, fine, but I am finished RPing Bloodclan until these griefer tactics are put to rest and a true RP spirit in brought to Hybrid.

    I will be advising the Yew leadership to take a stand as well. I cannot talk for them but I know myself and at least two other of the most active players will be taking a stand.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    How were we trash talking? We kept explaining to you that only orcs are allowed in orc huts. you guys kept coming in over and over, we got tired of it and killed one of you inside who happened to have a mare. At no point did we talk trash, or grief. Except maybe calling "lat uh tupid oomie.." because, well... orcs dont like oomies. duh.
    We roleplayed the entire time.. we even gave an extremely low price to release the mare we had captured. 5k is nothing, its usually 100k or more. As per the fighting, it started when one of your mounted militia attacked us- WHILE we were engaged with the griefers. name started with an R.

    "All the while, they spoke in "orc" but just basically talked trash the whole time. These are pretty much the same tactics that every red on this server uses ... I am finished RPing Bloodclan until these griefer tactics are put to rest and a true RP spirit in brought to Hybrid."
    You shouldnt throw statements like these around when you dont really know what your talking about. Bring up any problems you have with your leaders, and we will do the same. Dramatic posts dont get us anywhere. Especially when your wrong to begin with.

    Once again: NO OOMIES IN ORC HUTS, unless given permission.
    Last edited by Xurugg; 08-09-2011 at 02:19 AM.

  3. #3

    Not going to drag this out, but going to post at least once more, and probably will stop until I see a change in the RP.

    I told you that Roy would be dealt with soon. He has had a few run-ins with the rules and it is going to be brought to the Commander's attention.

    Have fun RP'ing with the other Reds.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    I just explained it to you. how are we to know that only roy was going to attack us? were running around fighting off other players.. and he attacks us so we attacked you. regardless, if you go into an orc hut as an oomie uninvited theres a possibility of death. Same for the fort.

    Mi bi arownd da uruk furt drynkun cyder ryt nuw, ef lat wunt kum blah wid mi. beddur breng tribuut tu, har har.

  5. #5
    Warcouncil Burz'Ro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Urkala (Orc Fort)

    Please keep this to PMs between the highest ranking active leaders of the respective guilds.

    Nok'Tor is our hybrid branch leader.

  6. #6
    Warcouncil Nok'Tor's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011

    thank you Burz. I will Message Yew leaders in the morning and set down some solid rules for this. it seems that while the most active spots are good for fighting they are horrible for rp interaction. its hard to have a "peaceful" conflict while griefers are swarming around.

    The situation with yew entering the house over and over is simple. its stated that humans are not allowed within the huts or fort for any reason. If a grunt was present they may grant special privileges on a one time basis but this is generally looked down upon.

    The situation with the mare is an entirely different situation however. We are a RP community and the Bloodclan believes in a united community. this basically means, show respect. dont be a dick to your fellow RPers. dont reskill, dont dryloot, dont trap their pets, ect. ect. I honestly dont know why someone would bring a mare into an RP battle but that dosnt mean we should trap it and demand money for it (unless its an rp thing ). Give the mare back if you can. Next time just kill it and eat its flesh.

    Again if you have problem with members of the RP community please contact your Clan/guild leader.

    AIM/Yahoo: Irsuxx

  7. #7
    Admin wiff fleas Kurg'Grat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Pointless post Sinkin. All I got out of that was that you have not ready the ROE clearly stated and agreed to by all members of the Yew/BC leadership. Do not attempt to add drama to a very easily dealt with situation. Next time follow the rules and let your leaders speak.

    And on da H muun da Bluudgod blah...Led der be Howlurz!

  8. #8

    I recommend locking this thread.

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