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Thread: Dragon Valley

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  1. #1
    Admin wiff fleas Kurg'Grat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Dragon Valley

    So a friend of mine is a game designer and has successfully launched another game called Dragon Valley. I helped test and do a lot of the work on it and its down to the last day before its launched and this is a great chance to pre order the game and get some cool stuff.

    It is a ton of fun and if you like strategy board games especially its awesome. Check out some of the info and get in while u can! after this you will only be able to buy the base game through select retailers.


    We started up again on our other project called Orc Raiders and once thats gets to the kick starter phase ill post info on it but thats still a month or two off

    And on da H muun da Bluudgod blah...Led der be Howlurz!

  2. #2
    Warcouncil Nok'Tor's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011

    DEFEND AGAINST ORCS? ...... Pffffftftfffff!

  3. #3

    Speaking of board games, anyone still have the rules for the orc chess game in uo? Kriuk or something like that was the name. That was a lot of fun, and i think will be great for this new round of pugs.

  4. #4
    Warcouncil Burz'Ro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Urkala (Orc Fort)

    I don't have the images that go along with this, but here is the text for Kriurk:
    ((The image links don't work.))

    Quote Originally Posted by Xugnath

    K r i u r k :

    Xugnath "Ukii uruks, meeb am guin tu blah lats sumting meeb hab bin keepin tu meebselb. Dis am uh anchunt unduruzg uruk gaym ob "Kriurk". Id wuz tawt tu meeb bi meeb popo, Hoknath. Id am pritee simpul tu lern, agh kan teech lat alut abowt uruk taktiks agh hau tu respect eech uruks yoosfulnes un da battul-uzg."

    Use a basic UO in game chess board and classic chess piece layout to play Kriurk

    Pawns = Gruntees
    Rooks = Grunt
    Knights = Grunt
    Bishops = Grunt
    Queen = Warboss
    King = Bloodgod

    Kriurk win Conditions:
    -all Grunts on the opposing side are klomped
    -the Bloodgod on the opposing side is klomped

    There are 2 ways to Klomp an Orc in Kriurk:
    -Surround the orc on all four sides
    -Sorround the orc on two opposing sides with 2 orcs that outrank the victim orc
    -When the orc or orcs are successfully Krimped, you may remove them from the board

    here are some examples:
    http://thothinteractive.com/forums/krimp01.jpg http://thothinteractive.com/forums/krimp02.jpg
    http://thothinteractive.com/forums/krimp03.jpg http://thothinteractive.com/forums/krimp04.jpg

    There are also more advanced ways to Krimp your opponent's Orcs:
    http://thothinteractive.com/forums/krimp05.jpg http://thothinteractive.com/forums/krimp07.jpg
    http://thothinteractive.com/forums/krimp06.jpg http://thothinteractive.com/forums/krimp08.jpg

    Each orc rank can move a certain number of spaces:
    Gruntee = 3 spaces
    Grunt = 6 spaces
    Warboss = 9 spaces

    -Orcs cannot move through other Orcs, they must move around each other.
    -You can only move one Orc per turn.
    -You do not have to move the Orc's entire potential spaces, you can stop short if needed.

    The Bloodgod:
    The Bloodgod has the ability to teleport to any space around the board, although once he has been moved, he cannot move again until the player controling him has taken another 2 turns! This is important to remember, so that the player only uses the blessings of the bloodgod wisely. Improper use of the Bloodgod during a krimp could result in a quick win for your opponent, so be careful.

    Xugnath "Der am sum tings tu gruk wen pleyun dis gaym, furzt ting lat niid tu gruk is dat da gruntees muzt moob owt furzt... dis am tu bayt lats oponent agh pul dem klosur tu lats traps. Rimembur tu tink ahed! Ib lat kan nub tink ahed, den lat wil gu flat reel kwik in da gaym ob Kriurk... Hrmm, meeb tink dat am id! Ib lats hab eni kweschuns, led meeb gruk, agh meeb wil try tu ansur dem tu da bezt ob meebs abilitee!"

    (Thank you Gug, for helping me come with the name "Kriurk"; And thank you to whoever created the game "Go" thousands of years ago, it was a big inspiration to this game's ruleset)

  5. #5

    TY BURZ! Imma get some chessboards and start teachin pugs

  6. #6

    Ah crap, all the image links for Kriurk are dead. I'm going to make an effort to fix that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    I remember hartar made it up and then he used to get everyone around him to play it. It was cool for like a month, and then people stopped playing it. =/. I'd love to see it and some more of you guys come back. Ha

  8. #8
    Warcouncil Burz'Ro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Urkala (Orc Fort)

    Eh? Kriurk was definitely crafted by Xugnath... I never got a chance to try it out

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