So remember a while back I said I was half ass making a board game that centered around orcs?
Well we got a lot of the mechanics worked out enough to make a first run half ass print of the cover art and the player board mat.
Remember that these are kids drawing practically because it doesnt make sense to put a lot of effort into something we are going to have to remake who knows how many times but since I am not able to make this stuff and my friend is this is what he came up with.
Its impossible for me to explain that I want uo orcs as the guys really not warhammer types and especially on first runs I would imagine its easy to figure out but being as I can do it I figured I would post here and see if anyone wanted to take a stab at a bit of cover art for one of my prints I make.
The games gonna cost me $50 just to make for myself as a first copy and I would personally love to have something more along that lines of what I like about uo and the future since BC and UO helped inspire this beginning creation. But either way no biggie, just remember not to judge me because of the gayness how this looks right now, I know its gay. Its not suppose to look cool, real art comes so much farther down the road than were I am at right now with this but I know we have some talented photo shop peeps here who could make this look not as gay and if anyone wants to have something to toy with have at it!