Sed'rog was my first orc and I started on Hybrid. A friend of mine that was in a thief guild I had been in since OSI called The Forgotten Villians Of Old, got me to make an orc. His orc name was Ace'juk and he was a huwlur. So since he brought Sed'rog about I felt it only right that I be a huwlur as well. I remember one time when Kurg and I were the only orcs awake and I was showing him my Britain gate huts and asking if he thought we should make them orcish outpost. We had a tamer run up on us with his WW and mare. Needless to say we killed the tamer and his pets but what we did next stood out. Kurg had a boat on him and before we killed the pets all the way we lured them on the boat and sailed them away. Classic Huwlur moment. The good times, were have they gone.

Another orc I knew later down the line named Gnarlug was A leader and great orc. We became close friends and I enjoyed his way of playing an orc so my mojo Sudo'ooog became a Bluud Skuhl. Gnarlug became inactive and left the tribe in my care. I think I did a good job by chosing only the most elite orcs to join and role playing my char as the leader of the leaders.

My time in bloodclan has been great, but the greatest time were brought by tribes.