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Thread: what do you think about relpor ?

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  1. #1

    what do you think about relpor ?

    im one of the newest members of this clan and really like to roleplay.

    i was allways interested in joining the bloodclan and finally did it here on relpor..

    before beeing an ork i also roleplayed in Yew Militia, Undead and a pirate rp guild..

    the problem with rel por is that i log in and have the feeling like i want to log out after 5 minutes..maybe it is because im from europe and most are not on when im playing..but i also play on US peaktime from time to time..

    statloss kinda kills evil rp..there is a very interesting new uo renaissance shard but they also have statloss based on bounty.
    so nothing better then relpor..

    so what do you guys think ? whats the future of the clan ? we wait for the new red system on relpor and hope its better ? or anybody considering returning to uogamers: hybrid ? i would make a char there if somebody of you guys plays there and is willing to show me the way of the bloodclan.

    please dont get this post wrong..im not complaining about inactivity from the bloodclan. its a fun guild!

    other issues i see on the current shard are things like a house is very expensive to get if solo farming.
    and after buying the house i would need 75k to bless a mask of orcish kin, which i really want to.

    not to mention that strange stealth/passive reveal system

    so what do you guys think ? (especially the leaders)

  2. #2
    Warcouncil Nok'Tor's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011

    The problems i've had with this shard are the same now as in beta (statloss, mages healing through poison, gimped spells and heal times) I dunno how or if the staff will correct these problems but i feel much the same as you do. if I randomly die to something or step away from the comp and get afk whacked I have to run all the way to roache res and run back hoping that my corps is still there every time so soloing is out of the question for me. I like pvp but the map is so small that you can literally run to GZ from anywhere and not have to worry about death, so fighting blues is out of the question. playing this shard by myself feels like a fruitless effort and when we get to play together it seems like our traps are useless because of the passive reveal/stealthers. I will continue to show my support on rel por and hope that some fixes will be made but I fully understand the five min playtime.

    We still have a huge area on hybrid, a good amount of gold in our coffers, and tons and tons of supplies for training and pvp. as far as housing goes we seem to have to many and often give them away to new members. its always been my hope to get everyone to make orcs on hybrid shard so we can do some cross shard raiding once a week. if anyone wants or needs help making an orc there Just say the word.
    Nok'Tor De Mytee, Fizt Ub De Wargod

  3. #3

    Quote Originally Posted by Nok'Tor View Post
    The problems i've had with this shard are the same now as in beta (statloss, mages healing through poison, gimped spells and heal times) I dunno how or if the staff will correct these problems but i feel much the same as you do. if I randomly die to something or step away from the comp and get afk whacked I have to run all the way to roache res and run back hoping that my corps is still there every time so soloing is out of the question for me. I like pvp but the map is so small that you can literally run to GZ from anywhere and not have to worry about death, so fighting blues is out of the question. playing this shard by myself feels like a fruitless effort and when we get to play together it seems like our traps are useless because of the passive reveal/stealthers. I will continue to show my support on rel por and hope that some fixes will be made but I fully understand the five min playtime.

    We still have a huge area on hybrid, a good amount of gold in our coffers, and tons and tons of supplies for training and pvp. as far as housing goes we seem to have to many and often give them away to new members. its always been my hope to get everyone to make orcs on hybrid shard so we can do some cross shard raiding once a week. if anyone wants or needs help making an orc there Just say the word.
    im in !!!

    since im sure that my small house decayed and i didnt have much in bank im starting from zero *grins*

    my aim/icq: 635349401
    Last edited by N'aix; 09-13-2012 at 10:59 AM.

  4. #4
    Warcouncil Nok'Tor's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011

    I'll shoot you a message after work and we'll sart to get you trained up.

    aim: irsuxx
    Nok'Tor De Mytee, Fizt Ub De Wargod

  5. #5
    Admin wiff fleas Kurg'Grat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    yes it is very dissapointing the system since i do like a lot of the farming and dungeons and whatnot but what i truely love is the chance to kill oomies and raid and like mentioned with how small the map is this seriously hampers our effectiveness.

    For weeks now seems like i have been macroing, training etc just to get somewhat established but i feel like im working towards no real goal since the red system and passive reveal is so rediculous.

    once the "newness" of a new shard wears off I imagine it will fade and not be nearly as much fun to play. :/

    And on da H muun da Bluudgod blah...Led der be Howlurz!

  6. #6

    jeez I posted something and it didnt show...in any case I suggested factions...although we will be in a tough spot with Boulderfist switching to Vermell and Yew in Arbor....

  7. #7

    its always fun starting on a new server, getting that first house and first gm skill but after awhile some shards lose their magic i guess. Anyways I do like Aya's suggestion of joining a faction that would spark up some action for us

  8. #8
    Admin wiff fleas Kurg'Grat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    id personally join vermell so we can clomp pewbies, i dont see justification clomping other orcs.

    And on da H muun da Bluudgod blah...Led der be Howlurz!

  9. #9

    yea Kurg, I agree...and people say what the want about Boulderfist, I have never had any issues with them...and when so inspired they can RP with the best of em

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