I first want to say that I am not in your guild, but my brother was who played with you guys quite a bit on UOGamers: Hybrid back in 2007 as Ganak. He is currently in the Marines, but will be getting out in March and so for his Christmas present I went through a few of his old recorded UO orc videos that he took while playing with you guys and uploaded them to YouTube. He really liked them so I figured you guys might too.
They were recorded with Razor in 2007, so I had to find an old UO client to play the packet videos which is why certain things look weird such as the houses since I couldn't find the exact version (I need based on this thread, but none of the clients I have downloaded allow me to patch). Also note that I am the one controlling the cursor in the video since I was having to replay the recordings in the UO client so don't think my brother was not attacking anybody haha. And most of the video is sped up by 2x or 4x.
Anyway, I still have a lot more footage to go through, but here are two videos for now.
Just be sure to watch in HD so they don't look like shit.
Final Video
Part 1
Part 2
And if you have any recommendations for songs for future videos let me know.