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Thread: Orc Tamer

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  1. #1

    Orc Tamer

    I was thinking about making a tamer/peacer for our PvM excursions.

    So far I was thinking about


    Are pack instincts on this shard? Because the idea of riding a wolf and having a pack of wolves at my command sounds pretty cool.

  2. #2

    While Orc tamers are permitted, there are a few restrictions. Magery is only permitted on mayk'r templates and mojos. Our rules also do not allow us to mount any beast of burden unless you are a mayk'r.

  3. #3

    Any suggestions as to a template, then? Also, perhaps suggestions on good orc-themed tames besides just wolves? I figure since I'm not trying to use Dragons and such panzee skah I don't need to GM taming, so that should free up some points.

  4. #4
    Warcouncil Burz'Ro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Urkala (Orc Fort)

    Wolves, grizzlies, scorpions, giant spiders. You could try to tame the dread spider.

    80 Taming, 80 Lore, 80 Vet, 90 Healing, 90 Anatomy, 100 Archery, 100 Tactics, 80 Resist. That's what I would do anyway. It wouldn't be as expensive as doing 100 resist, and it would be easier than doing 100 taming. Seems well-rounded to me.
    People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

  5. #5

    Oh, also if somebody could add him to the guild and perhaps bring me an Orc Mask, that'd be great. My name is Khurzog and I'm macroing peace inside the fort.

  6. #6

    Yeah I guess I wouldn't really need hiding, since my pets would give away my location anyway. Anybody know if pack instincts are on this server?

  7. #7
    Warcouncil Nok'Tor's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011

    is the goal of this tamer to pvp or to farm shinnies? Also I dont believe pack instincts are turn on. at least not yet
    Nok'Tor De Mytee, Fizt Ub De Wargod

  8. #8

    farm shinies, and occasionally assist in fort defense/clompin while hunting.

  9. #9

    On Siege I had a tamer guild mate that used to use frost spiders. They would kick some serious ass.

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