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Thread: Tips for PVP Melee vs Mages?

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  1. #1

    Tips for PVP Melee vs Mages?

    So something I've had an issue with on this server and angel island. I feel helpless against a mage. My bane has been a mage on some ethereal mount paralyzing me then spamming a bunch of high level spells + poison until I die. With age of shadows I was able to stand on my own with special moves... but now it seems like I don't stand a chance unless I have someone helping me. So does anyone have any tips for a melee character against mojo skahhedz? I know i should find a way to work up resisting spells but that doesnt help against spells like flamestrike and other spam.

  2. #2
    Warcouncil Gnoth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Trapped pouches, there is a red bag in the rokhut with some in it. Razor has an agent called Use Once that will open them only once and pop them, which breaks paralyze. Potions, chug chug chug. When they dump, chug a cure and heal or a heal. Try to start a bandage timer before they start casting (It takes some guess work to know when they will start a dump, and wheather or not your bandage will go off halfway through it), you can chug a strength potion to give yourself a deficit in health but its good to use strength and agility at the start of the battle. Chug a cure when your bandage is about to go off and you're poisoned (curing to early will just make them recast poison and you waste more pots). Keep your staminia up and make use of hiding when they are about to cast or charg them to disrupt their spells.

    I like to use spears for their para blows and a bow to harass them at a distance.
    Last edited by Gnoth; 09-08-2013 at 05:51 AM.

  3. #3

    n00b question. How do you use paralyze with a spear??

  4. #4

    Just use long spear or short spear it has a chance to automatically paralyze your opponent.

  5. #5

    Gnoth is right on the money with this but also I like to use what I call the Or'Gug shake n bake. If you are 1 on 1 with a mage let him try and dump on you, they might para first so let them get the explosion ebolt, you should already be bandaging at this time. They have already wasted half their mana and are chasing u trying to cast poison or some other harmful spell just run around side of a house and hide so they know you are doing it. If he doesnt have any explosion pots he should try and reveal let him and once he does go on offensive as you should be healed by now. He is low on mana which means he doesnt have enough for another combo and he now has to use the remaining mana for healing as he is on the defensive. Basically play defensive when fighting mages until it's time to strike... like a rapid cougar.

  6. #6
    Warcouncil Gnoth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Also don't let them see you drink strength and agility potions, they just cast weaken in return.

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