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Thread: Suggestions? What are you guys playing or excited to soon play.

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  1. #1
    Warcouncil Nok'Tor's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Aya'Stigi View Post
    Can you build skills up AFK? Is the character building very time consuming?
    Skill gain is fast for all combat skills. AFK macroing is frowned upon. the shard restarts every hour so its hard to afk macro anyway. However there is an automatic retry feature that helps alot. Basically if you say attempt to chop wood you click on the tree once and you will attempt to chop that tree over and over until the tree is out of wood or you stop the action. every attempt can gain you skill.

    Now that we are setup with a house and understand it better getting to the 90's with help from us could be done in a few hours.
    Crafter skills are a bit slower however some changes were put in recently that addressed gains so this could be much better now.
    Nok'Tor De Mytee, Fizt Ub De Wargod

  2. #2
    Warcouncil Nok'Tor's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011

    We had our fist "big" PvP event today. check it out here https://go.twitch.tv/videos/185097239

    It was a shit ton of fun and really brought back some of that good ol PvP rush I haven't felt is a long time. Lot of ring rust and some technical issues but by the end of it things were in hand and we were all having a ing blast. check out our unconventional "Battle Gate" for some high quality laughs hahah. This is me (Dregoth), T'Sogg (Syrric), and some friends from another guild LoD (Obs, Vulgr).

    the start of the vid dosnt have any pvp so you probably want to skip over it.
    Also this is from our opponents twitch stream so the fight is from their PoV.
    Nok'Tor De Mytee, Fizt Ub De Wargod

  3. #3

    The shard is still restarting every hour? Damn. I'm not actively playing it, I'm waiting for release.

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